Calculation task for the Finnish Parliament


Now that Parliament went on a poorly deserved Christmas holiday, it would be good if MPs did small arithmetic tasks during the holiday. The holiday would also be a good time for many kinds of contemplation and reflection on things from new perspectives, forgetting party politics and party discipline altogether for a while. It is also known that you usually relax a bit on holiday, which is why the numbers of the next calculation task might be more memorable when the mind and body are in a rested state.

Calculation task for MPs: Peace was already coming to Ukraine in March 2022, but the US and its allies prevented it, How much money would Finland have saved if peace had been concluded at that time?
(with the addition that the vast number of lives lost in the war since then cannot be counted in any money)

In connection with the calculation, we should also ask our 200 MPs whether any of them were informed of the peace that was coming. And if they weren't informed, wasn't our inquiry up to date or did they not want to share that information? And if so, why did the mainstream media not report on the matter, but only the alternative media have told Finns about the peace that was coming?

Will Finland's state leadership give its tacit support to the fact that the United States and its allies prevented peace in Ukraine, or will some of our leading politicians at least quietly whisper to someone at some event that this was a very outrageous act?

The Finnish government must be asked about NATO and DCA: did we jump on the right train? Why did we give up our neutrality and at the same time involve ourselves in superpower politics because of our geopolitical location, and lose our position as an impartial peace broker?

Many people know about the US/NATO campaigns in the Middle East and Libya and the deaths of 500,000 children that followed, but despite all that, our government wanted to forcibly take Finland into that peace-loving freedom alliance called NATO. The NATO report made to the Finnish Parliament also did not mention NATO's notorious Gladio troops that murdered civilians at all, so it seems that our MPs were not even told everything about NATO and its history, but still advertises the great support for NATO among the people brainwashed by MPs and the mainstream media.

The security situation in Finland is currently worrying many, the economy is plunging, bankruptcies are at record levels, and the mysteriously increased excess mortality after mRNA coronavirus vaccinations, yet no one in Parliament dares to say that the emperor has no clothes.

Tampereen Sanomat NetMagazine, on the side of peace and truth

Screenshot of the story from: Statistics Finland's gloomy figures: number of companies filed for bankruptcy in the past 12 months highest in 25 years | Homeland | Yle

HUOM: tämä juttu on koemielessä tietokoneella englanniksi käännetty artikkelista Laskutehtävä Suomen eduskunnalle. Jutussa saattaa siten olla pieniä käännösvirheitä.


Kyiv admitted for the first time: Ukraine and Russia reached an agreement on peace in spring 2022 – Britain and US overturn peace agreement (

Ukrainian MP: "Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said we would not sign anything with Russia" | Against Sanomat

Gerhard Schröder: "Washington refused peace in Ukraine" - Nya Dagbladet

Is the 500,000 dead children a matter of total importance to the Finnish Parliament? | Tampereen Sanomat

There are three main architects of the war in Ukraine | Tampereen Sanomat




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